Devi Puja

Complete course
 information for

Retreat on the
Divine Mother

1. Retreat starts in the morning with chanting and meditation.
 To be chanted before morning meditation.

Pratasmarami hridi samsphuradatma tatwam
Sat chid sukham parama hamsa gatim turiyam
Yad swapna jaagrita sushuptimavaiti nityam
Tat Brahma nishkalamaham na cha bhuta sangaha.

At break of dawn I meditate within my heart on the Atman,
Which is of the nature of existence, consciousness and bliss.
Ever liberated and in the fourth state of consciousness,
Beyond the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states,
That unsullied Brahman am I and not a mere composition of the elements.

Bhadram karnethi shrunuyama devaha,
Bhadram pasyeth makshabhir ya jatraha
Sthirairangai stushtuva sasthanubhi,
Vyashema devahitam yadayuhu

Let my ears hear nothing but that which is auspicious.
Let my eyes see nothing but auspiciousness.
Let me be able to keep good health and well being,
For the entire span of life allotted to me by the gods,
So that I can extol Thee without hindrance.

 Poornamadah poornamidam,
 Poornath poornamudachyathe,
 Poornasya Poornamaadaaya_

“That is full, this is also full,
From the full if you take away the full,
What remains will also be full”.

Samana mantra, samiti samaani,
Samaanam saha chittameshaam,
Samaani va ahuthi,
Samaanam hridayani vaha
Samanamasthu vo mano,
Yadavaha susahasati

Kali Ma

All mantras lead to their respective gods and purify the mind of the aspirant,
They take him to the same goal which is Truth,
May our desires be consonant with our thoughts
And may our actions suit our words
May we be filled with good thoughts,
May all round peace be on everyone forever.

Isavasyamidam sarvam, yad kinchijagtayam jagat,
Tena tyaktena bhunjitha,
Ma gruda kasyavidhanam

Anything you can think of in this creation is permeated by God alone.
Renounce and enjoy.
Do not covet another’s wealth.

asato ma sad gamaya,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya,
mrityor ma amritam gamaya

Lead me from the unreal to the real,
From darkness to light
And from death to immortality

_Shanti! Shanti! Shantihi!

We end the meditation with this mantra

Sarvesham swastir bhavatu,
Sarvesham shantir bhavatu,
Sarvesham poornam bhavatu
Sarvesham mangalam bhavatu

Let the whole world enjoy good health,
Let the whole world enjoy peace,
Let the whole world enjoy prosperity.
Let the whole world be filled with auspiciousness.

Sarve bhavantu Sukhinaha
Sarve santu niraamayaha,
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu,
Ma kaschid dukkha bhaav bhaveth
May everybody in the world be happy.
May everybody be free from disease.
Let us see only auspiciousness everywhere
May nobody have sorrow.

Aum Shanti! Shanti! Shantihi!

2 The next item is yogasanas with particular emphasis on the Surya namaskaram
Mantra to be chanted before starting asanas and before any studies

“Saha naavavatu,
  Saha nau bhunaktu,
  Saha veeryam karavahai,
  Ma vidvishavahai,”

May the Lord protect us,
May we enjoy together,
May we work together,
May our studies be thorough and fruitful,
May we never have occasion to disagree with one another.

Before we start the Surya Namaskaram (sun Salutation) we chant the Surya Gayatri..


Surya Gayatri
Bhur Bhuvah Swaha,
       _    Tat savitur varenyam
           Bhargo devasya dheemahi,
Dhiyo yonah prachodayath

Gayatri is said to be the quintessence of the Vedas. Even though it appears to be a hymn to the solar deity, its esoteric meaning is that it gives us the knowledge of the oneness of the jivatman with the Paramatman - that is the individual soul with the Supreme Soul.
Gayatri is also the goddess of the meter in which the hymn is written. She has been personified and extolled and can even be seen by those who have the mystic vision. She is the bestower of all knowledge and has to be worshipped regularly. Normally we face east and look at the rising sun in the morning and towards the west in the evening. 

“We meditate on that light of the luminous God Savitur, who is well known in the Vedas, who is the inspirer of all beings, their inner Self, who is the creator of the universe. We mediate on that adorable light which is the Self of the Supreme Lord of the universe, adored by all as the sole object of worship. It is the giver of knowledge and destroyer of ignorance. It is the light of the Supreme Brahman itself. May that light enlighten us”.
Bhur, bhuvah, svaha! Stands for the three worlds, earth, heaven and inner space.
It also stands for existence (bhur), consciousness (bhuvah), (bliss) swaha SURYA NAMASKARA
Sun Salutation.

This consists of 12 steps, which exercise every part of the body. It is a perfect asana by itself and should be practiced 12 times daily for full benefit. It not only gives us strength and health of the body but it also gives us a clear mind and good memory power. This is because the sun is the source of both wisdom and health. There are 12 aspects of the sun and that is why this is done 12 times. Each time we do one round we invoke the sun with a special mantra. We also repeat the Gayatri Mantra at the start of every posture.

Twelve Names of the Sun

1. Mitraaya Namaha! — Salutations to the friend of the world.
2. Ravaye Namaha! — Salutations to the one who is the eye of the world
3. Suryaaya Namaha! — Salutations to the one who sucks and dries.
4. Bhaanave Namaha! — Salutations to the one who is glowing and effulgent.
5. Khagaaya Namaha! — Salutations to the one who traverses the sky.
6. Pooshne Namaha! — Salutations to the one who supports and nourishes life.
7. Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha! – Salutations to the golden orb.
8. Mareechaye Namaha! — Salutations to the grandson of the sage Mareechi.
9. Adityaaya Namaha! — Salutations to the son of Aditi.
10. Savitre Namaha! — Salutations to the one who produces and sustains life.
11. Arkaaya Namaha! — Salutations to the ray of light.
12. Bhaskaraaya Namaha! — Salutations to the one who radiates light.

First of all stand straight with feet together, knees locked, palms folded and pressed to your chest and meditate on the sun and repeat the Gayatri mantra. Ask the sun God – Surya, to give you long life, perfect health, perfect memory and liberation.

1. Take a deep breath. Stand on your toes and raise your hands above your head. Stretch to the maximum.
2. Exhale and bend from the waist and touch your toes. Do not bend your knees. If you can’t touch your toes, go as far as you can but don’t bend your knees.
3. Inhale. Place both palms on the ground beside your feet and stretch your right leg straight back. Lift your whole body up on your palms and throw your head back.
4. Hold your breath and stretch your left leg also to the back. Your body now is straight as a board. Keep your head straight and look straight in front. From now onwards you should keep your hands and your feet in the same position until the 11th posture. The body should move between these two boundaries.
5. Exhale and go into the rest posture or rabbit posture. Your arms are stretched straight forward and your legs are bent at the knees and you will be sitting on your haunches.
6. Inhale and lift yourself up. Exhale and go into full prostration. Your palms, forehead, chest, knees and feet should touch the ground. Your bottom should be lifted off the ground.
7. Inhale and do the reverse posture. Lift your body up by pressing palms on the ground. Arch your back, throw your head back and look up.
8. Exhale and go into the dog posture. Without moving your palms and feet simply throw your head down and look down.
9. Inhale and exhale and go into the rest posture, rabbit posture. Arms are stretched straight forward and the body should go back and rest on the haunches as in the 5th position.
10. Inhale and bring your right foot forward and look up as in the 3rd position.
11. Exhale and touch your toes as in the 2nd position.
12. Inhale and come up and keep your palms folded and pressed to your chest.

These 12 postures complete one round. It is good to do 12 rounds if you can manage the time. First the right and then the left legs should be used in the 3rd posture. From the fourth to the eleventh posture the position of the hands and feet are fixed and should not be changed. Mantras should be chanted in the order given above.


After the asanas we have a short break for breakfast.
The following mantras are to be chanted before all meals.

“Annapoorne sada poorne,
Shankara praana vallabhe,
Jnana vairagya sidhyartam,
Bikshaam dehi cha Parvati”

O Parvati! Thou beloved of Shiva!
Thou art the ever full, giver of food.
Give me the food of knowledge and dispassion.

“Aham vaishwanaro bhootwa, praninaam dehamashritaha,
 Praanapaana  sama yukta, pachaamyannam chathurvidam”.

I am the vaishwanara (fire of digestion) fire living in the bodies of all creatures,
regulating the prana and apana, (the ingoing and outgoing breaths)
I digest the four types of food.

 “Brahmarpanam, Brahma havir,
      Brahmagnau, Brahmana hutam
      Brahmaiva tena gantavyam,
      Brahma karma samadhinah”

Brahman is the oblation. Brahman is the ghee and other offerings. Brahman offers the oblation into the fire of Brahman. One who thus sees Brahman in action all the time will undoubtedly reach Brahman alone.


The next item on our program is the puja to the goddess.


Puja to the Devi.

Puja should be done after a bath
or at least after washing oneself.

An altar should be prepared with a yantra
or an idol of the Devi

This altar should be kept on the eastern or northeastern side so that the devotee sits facing the east or north-east.

Items for puja should be kept ready before starting.

A lamp and an incense stick should be kept burning throughout the puja.

Flowers, clean water in a vessel, fruit or some cooked food should also be kept ready.

1. We look at the east and repeat the Surya Gayatri mantra three times and ask Savitri Devi to grant us concentration in our puja and remembrance of the correct mantras.

2. We activate the chakras by touching the points starting with the sahasrara chakra on top of the head. We invoke the energy of the Devi while doing this and chant her mantra at every point that we touch.
Aim Hreem Kleem

3. Next step is known a “sankalpa”. This is our wish. The desire in us that we want to be realized from this puja. We touch the plate with the flowers; repeat our name and the name/s of anyone whom we want to benefit from our puja and mentally reiterate our wish. It can be for material benefits or for spiritual benefits.

4.Next we pray to Ganesha to remove any obstacles on our spiritual path and in the puja.

5. We touch the pot containing water and invoke all the holy rivers starting with Ganga to come into it.

6. Take a little of this consecrated water either with a spoon or a small conch and sprinkle it over yourself as well as the articles for puja with the request that they may all be purified.

7. Then place the palms of your hands over your heart and invoke the atman inside you to come out and take the form of the goddess in front of you. So actually you are really worshipping the atman itself when you do the puja to any deity.

8. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the altar with a prayer to all the gods of the different directions and to the mother earth to allow you to conduct this puja.

9. Now meditate on your guru and repeat the guru mantra.
Guru Brahma guru Vishnur,
Guru devo Maheshwara,
Guru saakshath param Brahma,
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha!

Next we meditate and invoke the Devi to come and take the seat in the place prepared for her.  She is the Shakti or divine energy, which is motivating power inside us. Without her we would be inert and senseless beings. Mentally we invite her to come and energize the little idol, which we have kept before us in order to aid our meditation.
Sarva mangala mangalye, shive sarvarta sadhike,
Sharanye tryambake Gouri,
Narayani namostute.

O Narayani! O Protrectress!,
O Three-eyed Gauri
You are blessed with every felicity, auspiciousness and capable of accomplishing our every desire,
Praise be to you!

11. We place her on the throne, which has been kept ready for her (asanam)

12 We wash her feet with a little of the water. (padyam)

13 Water is offered for washing the hands and mouth (arghyam and achamaniyam)

14.Then we put her on the plate for a ceremonial bath known as abhishekam.
As the water is poured over her we repeat the Devi Gayatri three times
\ Mahalakshmyai cha vidmahe,
Maha Shaktyai cha dheemahi,
Tanno Devi prachodaayth
Abhishekam can be done with different ingredients like, milk, honey.
After this the idol should be wiped with a clean piece of cloth or napkin and kept back on the seat.
15 Offer a flower to her in place of a garment.(vastram)
16 Offer some unguent or perfume (parimala dravyam)
17 Place some sandal paste on the deity (gandham)
18 Then some kum kum or red powder beloved by the goddess (kumkumam)
19 Offer some whole grains of rice at the feet (akshadan)
20 Offer a flower garland  (mala)
21 Adorn her with all types of jewellery. (All this is to be done mentally)
22  She is the cosmic Mother and we meditate on her blissful countenance and worship her limb by limb. With each limb we repeat a mantra and place a flower mentally on that particular limb at the appropriate place. When you do this puja by yourself this can be done using real flowers. Nine names of the goddess are repeated with each flower
Aum Mahalakshmai Namaha! I worship your feet.  (place one flower at her feet)
Aum Mahasaraswathyai Namaha! I worship your knees.
Aum Maha Kaalyai Namaha! I worship your shapely legs.
Aum Durgayai Namaha! I worship your stomach, which holds many universes.
Aum Parvathyai Namaha! I worship your chest.
Aum Chandikaayai Namaha! I worship your slender waist
Aum Kartyayanyai Namaha! I worship your beauteous breasts.
Aum Naarayanyai Namaha! I worship your lotus eyes
Aum Maha Devyai Namaha! I worship your whole body
With these nine mantras I worship thy whole body O Mother Divine.

After this if time permits we can chant the following seed mantra to the three aspects of the Divine Mother as Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kaali. We can repeat this mantra 108 times or as many times as we have time. While repeating a mantra we can place one flower at her feel or the petal of a flower

 _Aim, Hreem, Kleem

23. Next we offer incense to the deity and sprinkle water and place a flower at her feet (dhupam)

25 Then we wave the lamp before her and sprinkle water and place a flower at her feet (deepam)

26. Then we make some food offerings. This can either be fruit or some cooked food.(naivedyam)
We touch the plate containing the food and repeat the Surya Gayatri mantra and then we offer the five vital breaths within our body to her with these mantras
Aum Pranaaya Swaaha!
Aum Apaanaaya Swaaha!
Aum Vyaanaaya Swaaha!
Aum Udaanaaya Swaaha!
Aum Samaanaaya Swaaha!

At the end of the offering all things are once more offered to the supreme Brahman to remind us that She is indeed Parabrahma Swarupini, the form of the Brahman.
Aum Brahmane Namaha!
We close our eyes and wait a while and beg her to partake of the food that has been prepared so lovingly for her.


27. Now water is offered for cleansing.

28. Next we offer sweet smelling betel leaves to her

29. Then we do an arati to her with these words,
           Devi Maheswari Parvati Shankari Sharanam me tava paada yugam.

O Devi your lotus feet are my only recourse.

These 29 steps can be done daily by those who wish to offer puja to  the goddess.
 They won’t take more than 15 minutes if you master 
the different steps.

30. The next step can be done on special occasions. Those who have the time and opportunity may worship her by repeating the Lalitha sahasranama or the thousand names of the goddess Lalitha which is the most beautiful form of the Devi.

31.Then we repeat the peace mantra for the good of the world so that the benefits of our puja will spread to the whole world.

Aum Swasti prajabhyam, paripaala yantaam,
Nyayena margena, mahimahishah,
Go Brahmanebhyam Shubamanstu nityam,
Lokaasamasata sukhino bhavantu

May all people be happy.
May kings rule the earth righteously.
Let animals and men of wisdom be taken care of.
May all be happy

Kaale varshatu parjanyaha,
Prithivi shashyashalini,
Deshoyam kshobharahitaha,,
Sad janaath santu nirbhayaaha.

May rains come at the proper time.
May the earth produce all types of grains,
May the country be free from famine.
May good people be free from fear.
Sarvesham swastir bhavatu,
Sarvesham shantir bhavatu,
Sarvesham poornam bhavatu
Sarvesham mangalam bhavatu

Let the whole world enjoy good health,
Let the whole world enjoy peace,
Let the whole world enjoy prosperity.
Let the whole world be filled with auspiciousness.
Sarve bhavantu Sukhinaha
Sarve santu niraamayaha,
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu,
Ma kaschid dukkha bhav bhaveth

May everybody in the world be happy.
May everybody be free from disease.
Let us see only auspiciousness everywhere
May nobody have sorrow.

Aum Shanti! Shanti! Shantihi!

Peace! Peace! Peace.

31 Take some flowers in the cupped palms and repeat your wish from the puja. “Yo pam pushpam veda..)

32 Finally we offer the camphor arati and wave the camphor lamp in front of her
Camphor is something that burns without leaving any residue. Song to be sung during the arati.

Karpoora gauram karunavataaram,
Samsaarasaaram bhujagendra haaram,
Sadaa vasantam hridayaaravinde,
Bhavam bhavani sahitam namaami

I bow to both Shiva and Parvati,
Who is as white as karpooram and wears a snake garland and is the essence of the universe.
And who dwells ever in my heart

Devi Maheswari Parvati Shankari sharanam me tava sharanam yugam

O Devi, Parvati, Maheswari, Shankari, we take refuge in you alone.

At the same time we supplicate her to burn all our desires in this flame and leave nothing behind
Water is offered once more and a flower laid at her lotus feet

33. The final act of the puja is to go round her and prostrate to her. Since it might not be possible to go round the idol, we get up and turn round at the same spot that we are standing and then do full prostration repeating this mantra.
Yaani kaani cha paapaani, Brahmahatya samaani cha,
Taani taani vinashyanti, pradakshinam pade pade.

Whatever sin I might have committed, even if it were the killing of a Brahmin,
May it all be effaced by going round and round you. (Circumambulating) The following should be repeated while going round

Mantra heenam kriya heenam bhakti heenam Sureshwara,
Yad pujitam maya deva paripoornam tadastu te,
Aparaadha sahasraani kriyante hanisham maya,
Dasyoham iti mam matwa,
Kshamaswa Parameswari.
As this is said we prostrate ourselves full length on the floor with this supplication

I beg of you to make this puja of mine perfect
Despite the mistakes I may have made in the chanting of the mantras,
And the accompanying actions.
Consider me as thy slave and forgive me O Parameshwari!

Akashaath patitam thoyam, yada gachati saagaraath,
Sarva deva namaskaaram Keshavam pratigachati

Just as all the water that falls from the sky reaches the ocean,
So prostrations to any god will reach the Supreme.

Avahanam na janaami, na janaami visarjanam,
Puja vidhim na janaami, kshamaswa Parameswari.

I have no idea how to conduct a puja, how to invoke you or to revoke you into myself. Pray forgive me for all this and make this puja perfect.
With this mantra we take a flower from the feet of the deity and invoke the form back in to our heart from which we have taken her out.

This is the end of the puja and the prasadam (food offerings) can be distributed to all.


Mantras To the goddess Saraswati
to be chanted before starting the discourse on the Devi.

“Saraswati namastubhyam, varade kaamarupini,
Vidyarambham karishyami,
Siddhir bhavathu me sada”.

I humbly prostrate to thee O Goddess Saraswati, who is the fulfiller of all wishes.
I start my studies with the request that Thou will bestow thy blessings on me

To the Guru

“Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnur, Gurur Devo Maheswara,
Guru sakshath param Brahma,
Tasmai Sree gurave namaha”!

I bow to that divine Guru .
Who is none other than Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
The Guru is verily Brahman itself.

Next item is pranayama and chanting of mantras.
We do ujjain and watching the breath.
After this we have lunch
Repeat the 3 mantras for meals before lunch .
Afternoon question/answer period.
“Saha naavavatu,
  Saha nau bhunaktu,
  Saha veeryam karavahai,
  Ma vidvishavahai,”
May the Lord protect us,
May we enjoy together,
May we work together,
May our studies be thorough and fruitful,
May we never have occasion to disagree with one another

Mantras to be chanted before evening meditation

Asangoham, asangoham, asangoham punah punaha,
Satchidananda swaroopoham,

Nitya shudha vimuktoham, nirvikaroham avyayaha,
Bhoomananda swaroopoham, ahamevahamavyayaha.

Nityoyam niravadyoyam, niraakaroham achyuthaha,
Paramananda swaroopoham, ahamevamahamavyayaha

Antar jyoti, bahir jyoti, pratyak jyoti parathpara,
Jyoti jyoti, swayam jyoti,
Atma jyoti shivosmyaham

Unattached, unattached, unattached am I,
To the body, mind and intellect
Existence, consciousness and bliss am I.
I alone exist – eternal, immutable.

Ever pure and free am I, without change of form or nature,
Ever full. I alone exist - eternal, immutable.

Eternal, without boundaries, changeless and unshakeable,
The form of Supreme bliss,
I alone exist - eternal, immutable..

I am the effulgence, which is both inside and outside,
The light that is visible as well as transcendent.
Light of all lights, the light of the self-effulgent atman
Filled with auspiciousness am I

At the end of meditation we repeat part of the peace mantra so that the benefits we receive from meditation will spread to the whole world.
Sarvesham swastir bhavatu,
Sarvesham shantir bhavatu,
Sarvesham poornam bhavatu
Sarvesham mangalam bhavatu

Let the whole world enjoy good health,
Let the whole world enjoy peace,
Let the whole world enjoy prosperity.
Let the whole world be filled with auspiciousness.
Sarve bhavantu Sukhinaha
Sarve santu niraamayaha,
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu,
Ma kaschid dukkha bhaav bhaveth
May everybody in the world be happy.
May everybody be free from disease.
Let us see only auspiciousness everywhere
May nobody have sorrow.
Aum Shanti! Shanti! Shantihi!

The last program is the chanting of bhajans and arati.

We have a special number of Devi bhajans for this retreat as well as our usual Krishna bhajans.

Bhajans on  the Divine Mother      

1. Jai Ambe Jagadambe  Matru Bhavani Jai Ambe
    Dukha Vinashini Durga Jai Jai,
    Kaal Vinashini Kaali Jai Jai,
    Uma Rama Kaathyayani Jai Jai,
    Radha Rugmini Sita Jai Jai.

Hail to thee O Mother Bhavani
Mother of the universe,
Hail to Durga who removes our sorrows,
Hail to Kaali who effaces the ravages of Time,
Hail to Uma, Rema, Kartyayani, Radha and Rugmini

2. Jagadodharini Mata Durga, Jagadodharini Maa,
    Jaya Jaga Janani, Jaya Jaga Janani,jaya Jaga Janani Maa,
    Jaya Gauri Devi , Rana Chandi Devi,
    Jaya Shiva Ramana Jago Maa.

Awake and arise O Mother,
Thou art the support of the universe,
Hail to Gauri, hail to Chandi
Hail to the delight of Shiva.
Arise and awake O Mother!

3. Aadi Divya Jyothi Maha- Kali Maa Nama,
   Madhu Shumbha Mahisha Mardini, Maha  Shakthaye Nama,
   Brahma Vishnu Shiva Swarupa twam na anyadaa,
   Chara Charasya Paalika, Namo Nama Sadaa.

I bow to the first light – Maha Kaali,
The mighty slayer of the demons – Madhu and Shumbha and Mahishasura
You are not different from the gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva,
You are the one who takes care of the whole universe of movables and unmovables,
To you I bow.

4. O Mayya , Sumayya, ramayya, O Mayya,
    Durga Mayya, Kaali Mayya, Parvati Mayya,
    O Mayya, sumayya, ramayya, O Mayya
    Ganga Mayya, Gauri Mayya, Saraswati Mayya,
    O Mayya, sumayya, ramayya, O Mayya.

This bhajan just repeats the different names of the goddess. Mayya means mother

5. Ganga mayya, Ganga mayya, Ganga mayya, Ganga mayya,
Ganga mayya punyavati, paapanaashini bhagavati,
Gange Yamune Bhageerati,
Alakananda Mandaakini,

Aum Namashivaaya Shivaaya nama aum
Aum Namashivaaya Shivaaya nama aum
Ganga jadhadara Bhavani Shankara,
Kedaarnaatha namostute (repeat)

Chorus Gange, Yamune…
 Hari Naarayana bhaja Naarayana, (repeat)
Shantaakaara Nara Naaraayana,
Badrinaatha namostute

Chorus Gange, Yamune…
Ganga Mayya Ganga Mayya 

This is a bhajan on the Mother Ganga, composed by Vanamali
It mentions all her tributaries and the route she takes from the Himalayas.
 O Mother Ganga!
You are the immaculate one capable of destroying the sins of all who bathe in you.
Ganga, Yamuna, Bhageerati , Alakananda, Mandakini.(names of the tributaries)
I salute the Lord of Kedar ( from which her tributary Mandakini comes)
Who holds the Ganga in his locks

I salute Badrinatha, the Lord of Badri (from which the Alakananda comes)
I salute the ever calm and peaceful sages Nara and Narayana


Evening Arati

Jaya Jagadeesha Hare

Sa shanka chakram sa kireeda kundalam,
Sa peetha vastram sarasiruhekshanam,
Sa haara vaksha sthana koustubham sriyam,
Namaami Vishnum shirasa chaturbhujam

Aum Jaya jagadeesha hare, Swami jaya jagadeesha hare,
Bhakta janonke sankata, daasa janonke sankata,
Kshaname doora kare,
Aum Jaya jagadeesha hare.

1. Jo dyavai phala pawai, Dhukha vinase manaka,
          Swami  dhuka vinase manaka,
          Sukha sampati kara awai, kashta mittai tanaka (Aum Jaya jagadeesha hare)
2 Mata pita tum mere sharana kahun me kisakee,
Swami sharana. Kahun me kisakee,
Tum bina aura na duja (2)
Asha karun me jisakee. (Aum jaya..)

3 Tum poornana Paramatma, tum antarayami
Swami tum antarayami,
Paarabrahma parameshwara (2)
Tum sabke swami (Aum jaya…)

4 Tum karuna ke sagara, tum palana karta,
     Swami tum palana karta.
     Me sewaka tum swami,(2)
     Kripa karo bharta (Aum Jaya…)

5. Tum ho ek agochara, sabake prana pati,
     Swami sab ke prana pati,
     Kise vidhi milun daya maya (2)
     Me tumako kumati (Aum jaya…)

6. Deena bhandu dukkha harta, tum rakshaka mere,
    Swami tum rakshaka mere,
    Apane hath uthao, (2)
     sharana padam tere, (Aum jaya…)
7. Vishaya vikara mittao, papa haro deva,
    Swami paap haro deva,
    Sraddha bhakti badao (2)
    Santanaki sewa (Aum Jaya …)

8 Tan man dhan sab tera,
Sab kuch hi tera
Swami sab kuch hi tera
Tera tujhuko arpana
Tera tujhuko arpana
Kya laaye mera (aum jaya..)

Hail Master! Lord of the Universe!
Who removes in a moment the sorrows of his devotees
And the suffering of the poor,
Glory to the Lord of the universe!

1. The sorrows of one who meditates on thee are removed,
He also gets the fruit of contemplation,
Happiness and wealth come to his home
And physical ailments are removed.

2. I take refuge in Thee who are both my mother and father,
O Lord! in whom else can I take refuge
There is none other than you in whom I can put my hopes,
 Glory to the Lord of the Universe.

3.    You are the perfect Soul Supreme,
 Dweller in the hearts of all,
 You are both the Supreme Lord and Master,
Lord of everyone’s life,
Glory to the Lord of the Universe.
4. O thou ocean of compassion,
Nourisher of all
You are my master, I am thy servant.
Grant me your grace,
glory to the Lord of the universe.

5. You are the life breath of everyone,
Way beyond the reach of the mind and senses,
O gracious One! How can I ever find you?
Glory to the Lord of the universe.

6. Friend of the distressed, destroyer of sorrow!
You alone can save me,
Extend thy helping hand to me,.
Who am lying helpless at thy threshold.
Glory to the Lord of the universe.

7. Wipe out all my worldly faults
Forgive  my sins,
And increase my faith and devotion,
And give me an opportunity to serve the saints.
Aum Glory to the Lord of the Universe.

8. My body, mind and wealth belong to you,
Everything of mine belongs to you,
I can only offer you what is yours already,
What do I possess which is my own?
Repeat  Hail Master! Lord of the universe


Ramakrishna Mukunda Madhava,
Vaasudeva Janardana,
Devaki sutha dehi me tava
Pada bhaktim achanchalam (repeat)

O Rama, Krishna, Mukunda, Madhava, Vaasudeva, Janardana,(All names of Krishna)
O son of Devaki! grant that I may have unfaltering devotion to thy feet

Arati kunja vihari ki
Sri Giridara Krishna muraree ki,
Gale me vyjayanthi mala, Vanamala.
Bhajave murali madhura bala, aha bala.
Nandaki nanda.
Sri ananda kanda
Mohana vriji chanda,
Radhika ramana vihari ki
Sri Giridara Krishna muraree ki..(repeat)
I do arati to Lord Krishna who sports in the thickets,
Wearing a garland of wild flowers,
And playing his flute.
He is the darling of Nanda,
A bundle of bliss,
The light of Vrindavan
And the delight of Radha.

Bhajan for dancing,
Govinda Jai Jai, Gopala Jai Jai
Radha ramana Hari govinda Jai Jai (repeat) Hail to Govinda, the delight of Radha.
Hari Aum Tat Sat

Vanamali Bhajans

1. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha
Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha,
Ganesha sharanam sharanam Ganesha,
Ganesha sharanam sharanam Ganesha (repeat)

2. He Nanda Nanda Gopala,
Ananda Nanda Gopala,
       He Nanda Nanda Gopala,
Ananda Nanda Gopala,
He Nanda Nanda, ananda Nanda,
Yadu Nanda Nanda Gopala.

3. Chitta chora Yasodaki Baal
Navaneeta chora Gopaal,
Gopaal, Gopaal, Gopaal,
Go-vardhanadara Gopaal

4. Govinda Jai Jai, Gopaala Jai Jai,
     Radha ramana Hari, Govinda Jai Jai (repeat)

5. Jaya Naarayana Hari Aum, Hari Aum, Hari Aum.
Bhaja Naarayana Hari Aum Hari Aum Hari Aum.
Shantaakaara Bhujanga shayana Padmanaabha Hari Aum
Jaya Naarayana, Hari Aum, Hari Aum, Hari Aum….

6. Aum Namashivaya, Aum Namashivaya, Aum Namashivaya nama Aum
     Aum Namashivaya, Aum Maheswaraya, Aum Sadashivaya Nama Aum
     Shiva Aum, Shiva Aum, Shiva Aum, Shiva Aum.
     Hara Aum, Hara Aum, Hara Aum, Hara Aum.
     Bhava Aum, Bhava Aum, Bhava Aum, Bhava Aum
     Aum Namashivaya ……

Aum Namashivaya, Shivaaya nama Aum
Aum Namashivaaya, Shivaaya nama Aum
Gangajadhadara, Bhavaani Shankara,
Kedaarnaatha, namosthute,

Hari Naarayana, Jaya Naaraayana,
Hari Naaraayana, Jaya Naaraayana,
Shaantakaara, Nara Naaraayana,
Badrinaatha Namosthute


7. Radhe Radhe Radhe, Radhe Govinda,
Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda
Radhe Radhe, Radhe, Radhe Govinda,
Radhe Govinda, Vrindavana Chanda (repeat)
8. To Thee who stole the butter and milk,
To Thee who’s clad in yellow silk,
To Thee I give my salutation.
To Thee who danced on Kaaliya’s hood,
To Thee, the cause of evil and good,
To Thee I give my salutations,

O Krishna! O Krishna! O Krishna!
Thou Lord and God of Vanamaali,
Thou savior of Draupadi,
Thou Partha’s saarathy,
To thee I give my salutation.
O Krishna O Krishna O Krishna,

To thee only to Thee
To thee only to Thee
Do I give my salutation,
My prostration,,
My salutation,
My prostration.
To thee to thee to thee
O Krishna O Krishna O Krishna

This is a Vanamali composition

        9. Chilanka Ketti  odi odi vayo,
Ente Thamara Kanna adi adi vayo,
Ninte Pinju Padam tedi tedi nangal,
Ninde divya Namam paadi paadi vannen.

Devaki nandana  Radha Jeevana, Keshava Hare Madhava,
Putana Vigraha, Papa Vinasaka, Keshava Hare Madhava
Gokula Balane Odi vayo, Gopala Balane OdVayo.

Kamsa Vimardana, Kaliya Narttana,  Keshava Hare Madhava,
Asrita Valsala, Aapat Bandhava, Keshava Hare Madhava,
Omkara Nadame odi vayo,Ananda Gitame odi vayo.

Pandava Rakshka Papa Vinashaka, Keshava Hare Madhava,
Arjuna Rakshka, Ajnana Nashaka, Keshava Hare Madhava,
Gitamritame odi vayo, Hridayanandame  odi vayo.

                                            Hari Aum Tat Sat

Sree Lalitha Sahasranamami


Om Sinduraruna vigraham tri nayanam manikya mauli sphurat
Tara nayaka sekharam smita mukhim apina vakshoruham
Panibhyam ali purna ratna chashakam raktotpalam bibrathim
Saumyam ratna ghatastha raktha charanam dhyayetparam ambikam.
Dhyayeth padmasanastham vikasita vadanam padma patrayatakshim_Hemabham pitavastrm kara kalita lasad hema padmam varangim_Sarvalankaran yuktam satatamabhayatam bhakta namram bhavanim _Srividyam shantamurthim sakala suranutham sarva sampat pradatrim.
Sakumkuma vilepanam alika chumbi kasturikam
Samanda hasitekshanam sasara chapa pasankusam
Asesha jana mohinim aruna malya bhushambaram
Japa kusuma bhasuram japavidhau smaredambikam.

Notes and Translation

Dear Devi bakthas, in this part of the Sree Lalitha Sahasranamami called as Dhyanam, Sree Lalithambika's beautiful image is pictured in a detailed way. All those who chant Sree Lalitha Sahasranamam, should try to picture (meditate) on her in this form in their mind, and then start chanting the names.

Sree Lalithambika's beautiful presence
can be described in infinite ways.
Sinduraruna vigraham tri nayanam manikya mauli sphurat
Tara nayaka sekharam smita mukhim apina vakshoruham
Panibhyam ali purna ratna chashakam raktotpalam bibrathim
Saumyam ratna ghatastha raktha charanam dhyayetparamambikam.

I meditate on the three-eyed Sree Lalithambika whose body is a glowing vermilion color . She is sporting a crown studded with rubies with the crescent moon on the side. Her face is lit up with a tender smile showing her easy accessibility. Our pranams to Sree Lalithambika, who holds a fund of inexhausible life for her children in her full and splendid breasts. She holds a cup  made of precious jewels and filled with honey in one hand. In the other she holds fresh red lotuses over which bees hover. They have come to drink the nectar. These two hands symbolise joy and wisdom of which She alone is the source. Her feet is placed on a precious pot full of valuable gems indicating that nothing is difficult for those who surrender at Her feet and take refuge in Her.

Arunam karuna tharangithakshim _Drita pasankusha pushpa bhana chapam_Animathi bhiravrutham mayookhai_Ahamithyeva vibhavaye bhavanim.
We meditate on the Devi Bhavani, the great Empress who is light crimson in colour, Whose eyes are full of compassion, Who has in Her hands the noose, the goad, the bow and the flowery arrow and Who is surrounded on all sides by the eight siddhis (powers), such as anima, mahima, laghima, gharima, ishatwam, vashitwam, prapti, prakashyam. Sree Devi Lalithambike. This form do I meditate within me. 

Dhyaye padmasanastham vikasita vadanam padma patrayatakshim
Hemabham pitavastram kara kalita lasad hema padmam varangim
Sarvalankara yuktam satatamabhayadam bhakta namram bhavanim
Srividyam santamurthim sakala suranutham sarva sampat pradatrim.

I meditate on Sri Devi Bhavani seated on a lotus, with face beaming with joy, eyes soft and elongated like lotus petals, radiating a golden aura, dressed in yellow silk, sporting a golden lotus in her hand, perfect in every limb, profusely decorated, compassionate towards devotees, and bestowing protection and all prosperity on them. Adored by all celestials, she is the very embodiment of Sri Vidya and Tranquility. She dispels fear and is the epitome of peace. Sree Laltihambika gives every kind of wealth that is sought to her devotees.

Sakumkuma vilepanam alika chumbi kasturikam
Samanda hasitekshanam sasara chapa pasankusam
Asesha jana mohinim aruna malya bhushambaram
Japa kusuma bhasuram japavidhau smaredambikam.
I meditate on Sree Lalithambika, whose body is anointed all over with vermilion and musk that attracts the bees, whose glance is like a loving smile, who holds in her hand the bow, the arrow, the noose and the goad, who bewitches everyone without exception, who is adorned with red garlands and ornaments and who shines with the hue of the China rose.

Namam 1-50

The Lalitha Sahasranama is a sequel to the Lalithopakhyana which forms part of the Brahmanda Purana. It consists of three chapters, 14 sections and comprises of 365 lines. The first is only introductory, the second gives the thousand names of the great Goddess Lalita and the third contains the phalastuti.
Namams are given in mantra form with their meanings.
The stotram form follows each set of mantras.


1. Om Sree Maatre Namah
Salutations to the Divine mother who is the mother of all. When a new born baby comes out from mother's womb into this world, the first word he/she cries or utters is the word `Amma'. Indian Hindu shastras give great importance to women and significant importance to mother. With great devotion, the supreme God, Mother or Maatha, as known, is worshipped in different forms. She is considered as the Goddess of Education (Saraswati), Goddess of Wealth (Lakshmi), Goddess of Power (Sakthi) or in other various forms such as Durga, Parasakthi etc. These names of Goddess are chanted by adding `Sree' in front (Sree Lakshmi, Sree Durga). Thus we bow Goddess Lalithambika, the supreme mother of the universe and seek her blessings.

2. Om Sree Maharajnyai Namah
In this form the divine mother is considered the great Empress of the whole Universe. She is omnipresent and the greatest administrator in this universe. She is there to take care of everyone who unconditionally surrender to her and also others who doubts about her abilities and wander around with their worldly problems and sorrows.

3. Om Sreemat Simhasaneswaryai Namah
Our pranams to the Great Goddess who is sitting on the lion's back. `Simhasanam' is also supposed to be the greatest of the greatest throne and Devi Lalithambika is seated there taking care of this universe. Devi was in this form when she killed the cruel Mahishasura.
(Sri Mata-Sri Maha Rajni-Srimat Simhasenesvari)

4. Om Cid agni kunda sambhutayai namah
Our salutations to the Goddess who came out of the fire of pure consciousness. It is said that in order to kill Bhandasura, Goddess Parasakthi came out from the fire created by the great rishis who performed shakthi poojas and yagnas.
5. Om Devakaraya Samudyatayai Namah
Our salutations to Goddess Lalithambika who promotes the cause of Divine forces. Goddess Lalithambika reincarnates in different forms to the destruction of the evil and to promote the good. It is known that she came to rescue the Gods from the cruel Bhandasura.
(Cid Agni Kunda Sambhutai-Deva karya Saumudyata)

6. Om Udyad bhanu sahasrabhayai Namah
Our salutations to her who is radiant as a thousand suns rising together.
7. Om Catur bahu samanvitayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who is with four divine hands. Incidentally, four has many significance in our mythology. There are four sides - East, West, North, South. A house has mostly four pillars. The creator of this universe Lord Brahma has got four faces. The yugas are also divided into four namely Krita Yuga, Thretha Yuga, Dwapara Yugaand Kali Yuga. Human life is also divided into four stages. The vedas are also four namely Righ veda, Yajur vedah,Sama vedah and Adarva vedah. Four 's significance can be elaborated in many other ways too. Here Lalihambika is praised in the form with four divine hands which can be extended to all sides and can at the same time protects and blesses every one.
(Udyad Bhanu Sahasrabha-Catur Bahu Samanvita)

8. Om Raga svarupa pasadhyayai Namah
Our salutations to Goddess Lalithambika who holds in her lower left hand a noose representing the power of love. She unites each and every creature in this universe with her magical noose and keeps them in love and harmony. The expression `raga' here shows affinity or love and care for one another. Even in animals likes lions who are supposed to be cruel you can find this bhava or sign of love. Goddess Lalithambika controls the universe with this magical power.

9. Om Krodhakarankusojjvalayai Namah
Our Salutations to Devi Lalithambika who is holding the flashing goad (a type of spiked stick for driving cattles - which can also be used as a weapon) of anger in Her lower right hand for restraining the evil forces.
(Raga Svarupa Pasadhya-Krodha Karankusojjvala)

10. Om Manorupekshu Kodandayai Namah
Our salutations to Devi Lalithambika who weilds in her upper left hand a Sugarcane bow that stands for mind. Our mind is illustrated just like a sugarcane which has a hard outer skin and full of sweetness in side.

11. Om Pancha tanmatra sayakayai Namah
Our salutations to Devi Lalithambika who holds five arrows representing the five Tanmatras (subtle elements of life). These five Tanmatras are shape, taste, smell, touch and sound and they are illustrated here as the arrows coming out from the mind which is considered as bow here.
(Mano rupeksu kodanda-Panca tanmatra sayaka)

12. Om Nijaruna prabha pura majjad brahmanda mandalayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika in the rosy splendour of whose form the whole universe is bathed. When a Devi bhaktha sit for meditation in the early morning he should meditate Devi in this form.
(Nijaruna prabhapura majjad brahmanda mandala)

13. Om Campakasoka punnaga saugandhika lasat kacayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose shining locks of hair impart their fragrance to flowers like Campaka, Asoka and Punnaga adorning them.
(Campakasoka punnaga saugandika lasat kaca)

14. Om Kuruvinda mani sreni kanat kotira manditayai Namah
Our Salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose crown is shining with rows of Kuruvinda gems.
(Kuruvinda mani sreni kanat kotira mandita)

15. Om astami chandra vibhrajadalika sthala sobhithayai Namah
Our salutations to Her whose forehead shines, arching like the crescent moon of the eighth lunar digit (Astami).
(Astami candra vibhraja dalika sthala sobhita)

16. Om Mukha chandra kalankabha mriganabhi visesakayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose moon-like face is distinguished by the Kasturi Tilaka like the spot in the moon.
(Mukha candra kalankabha mriganabhi visesaka)

17. Om Vadana smara mangalya griha torana cillikayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose face, the auspicious home of Kama (Cupid), has eyebrows that resemble archways leading to that abode of beauty.
(Vadanasmara mangalya griha torana cillika)

18. Om Vakatra lakshmi parivaha chalan minabha locanayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose eyes moves like fish in the streams of beauty flowing from her face.
(Vaktra Lakshmi parivaha calan minabha locana)

19. Om Nava campaka pushpaba nasa danda virajitayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose shapely nose is like a fresh-blown Campaka bud.
(Nava campaka pushpaba nasa danda virajita)

20. Om tara kanti tiraskari nasabharana bhasurayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika with a nasal oranament set with a jewel that excels the brilliance of the planet Venus.
(Tara kanti tiraskari nasabharana bhasura)

21. Om Kadamba manjari klpta karnapura manoharayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who is radiant and charming with a bunch of Kadamba flowers over her ears.
(Kadamba manjari klipta karnapura manohara)

22. Om Tatanka yugali bhuta tapanodupa mandalayai Namah
Our Salutations to Sree Lalithambika who has been orbs of the sun and the moon as Her pair of ear pendants.
(Tatanka yugalibhuta tapanodupa mandala)

23. Om Padma raga silaadarsa paribhavikapola bhuve Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose cheeks are far fairer than mirrors of ruby (which is also called Padmaraga).
(Padma raga siladarsa parbhavi kapola bhuh)

24. Om Nava vidruma bimba sri nyakkari radana cchadayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose lips outshine the redness of fresh coral and bimba fruit.
(Nava vidruma bimba sri nyakkari radana chada)

25. Om Suddha vidhyankurakara dvija pankti dvayojjvalayai Namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose beauty is enhanced by her rows of teeth that resemble the sprouting of pure knowledge (Suddha Vidya or Sri Vidhya).
(Suddha vidhyankurakara dvija pankti dvayojjvala)

26. Om Karpura vitikamoda samakarsi digantarayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika, the fragrance of the camphor and lime coated betel roll in whose mouth is spreading in all directions.
(Karpura vitikamoda samakarsi digantara)

27. Om Nija sallapa madhurya vinirbhartsita kacchapyai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose speech is more melodious than the Veena of Saraswati, who is also known as Kacchapi.
(Nija sallapa madhurya vinirbharsita kacchapi)

28. Om Manda smita prabha pura majjat kamesa manasayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika, the radiance of whose smile inundates the mind of Kameswara, Her Consort.
(Manda smita prabha pura majjat kamesa manasa)

29. Om Anakalita sadrsya cibuka sri virajitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika, whose chin is peerless in beauty.
(Anakali sadrsya cibuka sri virajita)

30. Om Kameswara baddha mangalya sutra sobhita kandharayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika whose neck is adorned with the Mangalsutra (marriage thread) fastened thereon by Her consort Kameswara.
(Kamesvara baddha mangalya sutra sobhita kandara)

31. Om Kanakangada Keyura kamniya bhujanvitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika whose beautiful arms are decked with armlets and bracelets of gold.
(Kanakangada keyura kamaniya bhujanvita)

32. Om Ratna graiveya cintaka lola muktaphalan vitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who wears a gem - set necklace having a big pearl as a pendant.
(Ratna graiveya cintaka lola mukta phalamvita)

33. Om Kameswara prema ratna mani pratipan stanyai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika whose breasts form the price she pays to Her Consort (Maheswara) in return for the gem of love He bestows on Her.
(Kamesvara prema ratna mani pratipana stani)

34. Om Nabhyalavala romali lata phala kuca dvayyai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika whose breasts look like fruits on the creeper of the hair - line spreading upwards from the navel.
(Nabhyalavala romali lata phula kuca dvayya)

35. Om Laksya roma lata dharata samunneya madhyamayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who has a waist so slender that it can only be inferred as a base for the creeper of fine hair springing from her naval upwards.
(Laksya roma lata dharata samunneya madhyama)

36. Om Stana bhara dalan madhya patta banda vali trayayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose waist, breaking under the weight of Her breasts, gets a supporting belt in the three folds of Her abdomen.
(Stana bhara dalan madhya patta banda vali traya)

37. Om Arunaruna kausumba vastra bhasvat kati tatyai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who wears a garment of deep red round Her hip.
(Arunaruna kausumba vastra bhasvat katitati)

38. Om Ratna kinkinikaramya rasana dama bhusitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who is adorned with a girdle having many bells set with precious stones.
(Ratna kinkinikaramya rasana dama bhusita)

39. Om Kamesa jnata saubhagya mardavoru dvayanvitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika, the beauty and smoothness of whose thighs are known only to Her consort, the Conqueror of Love (Kamesa).
(Kamesa jnata saubhagya mardavoru dvayanvita)

40. Om manikya mukutakara janu dvaya virajitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika whose two knees are like crowns shaped from the precious stone Manikya.
(manikya mukutakara janu dvaya virajita)

41. Om indra gopa pariksipta smara tunabha janghikayai namah
Our saltutations to Sree Lalitambika whose calf-muscles resemble the quiver of the god of love with bright glow-worm like decorations.
(indra gopa pariksipta smara tunabha janghika)

42. Om Gudha gulphayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambikayai whose ankles are well filled and therefore without protrusion.

43. Om Kurma prshta jayisnu prapadanvitayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika, the arch of whose feet rivals the shapeliness and beauty of the back of a tortoise.
(Gulda gupha kurma prishta jayisnu prapadanvita)

44. Om Nakha didhiti samchanna namajjana tamo gunayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika, the illuming splendour of whose toe nails dispels the darkness of ignorance in the votaries prostrating at Her feet.
(Nakha didhiti samchanna namajjana tamo guna)

45. Om Pada dvaya prabha jala parakrta saroruhayai namah
Our saltutations to Sree Lalithambika whose feet defeat the lotus in beauty.
(Pada dvaya prabha jala parakrta saroruha)

46. Om Sinjana mani manjirra mandita sripadambujayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose lotus feet are adorned with tinkling anklets set with jewels.
(Sinjana mani manjirra mandita sripadambuja)

47. Om Marali manda gamanayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika whose gait is slow and gentle like the swan's.

48. Om Mahalavanya sevadhaye namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalitambika who is a treasure house of Divine beauty.
(Marali manda gamana mahalavanya sevadhih)

49. Om Sarvarunayai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who is rose-hued all over.
50. Om Anavadyangyai namah
Our salutations to Sree Lalithambika who is faultless in every limb.
51.  Aum Sarva bharana bhusita
(Sarvaruna anavadyangi-sarva bharana bhusita)

Sree Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram
(to be read on Friday's)
Om Iem Hrim Shreem Srematrenamah

Asyashrilalita sahasranama stotra mahamantrasya, vashinyadi vagdevata
rushayah anushtup chandaha shree lalita parameshari devata shrimadvagbhava_kutetibijam madhyakuteti shaktih shaktinyasam karanyasancha kuryat mama_shree lalita parameshari prasada sidhyardhe jape viniyogah___DHYANAM_Sinduraruna vigragam, trinayanam, manikyamaoli spharat_Taranayaka shekharam, smitamukhim, aapinavakshoruham_Panibhyam, alipurnaratna chashakam, raktotpalam bibhratim_Saomyam ratna ghatasdha raktacharanam dhyayetparamanbikam__Arunam karuna tarangitakshim_Dhruta pashankusha pushpa banachapam_Animadibhi ravrutam mayukhai_Rahamityeva vibhavaye, bhavanim__Dhyayetpadmasanasdham vikasita_Vadanam padmapatrayatakshim_Hemabham pitavastram karakalita_Lasadhemapadmam varangim_Sarvalankarayuktam satata mabhayadam_Bhaktanamram bhavanim_Shree vidyam shantamurtim sakala suranutam_Sarvasanpatpradatrim__Sakunkuma vilepana malikachunbi sasturikam_Samandahasi tekshenam sasharachapa pashankusham_Asheshajana mohini marunamalya bhushanbaram_Japakusuma bhasuram japavidhao smaredanbikam__Sree-mata shree maha-ragyni shreematsinha-saneshvaree_Chidagni kunda-sanbhuta deva-karya samudyata -

 1_Udyadbanu saha-srabha chatur-bahu saman-vita_Raga-svarupa pashadya krodha-karanku-shojvala -

2__Mano-rupekshu kodanda pancha tanmatra sayaka_Nijaruna prabha-pura majabhramhanda mandala -

3__Chanpaka shoka punnaga saogandhika lasatkacha_Kuruvinda mani shrenee kanatkotira mandita -

4__Ashtami chandra vibhraja dalikasdhala shobhita_Mukha-chandra kalankabha mruga-nabhi visheshaka -

5__Vadanas-mara mangalya gruhatorana chillika_Vaktra-lakshmi pari-vaha chalan-minabha lochana -
6__Nava-chanpaka pushpabha nasa-danda virajita_Tarakanti tiraskari nasa-bharana bhasura -

7__Kadanba manjari klupta karna-pura mano-hara_Tatanka yugali-bhuta tapa-nodupa mandala -

8__Padma-raga shila-darsha pari-bhavi kapolabhuh_Nava-vidruma binbashree nyakkari radanachada -

9__Shudha vidyankurakara dvijapankti dvayojvala_Karpura-vitikamoda samakarsha digantara -

10__Nijasanlapa madhurya vinirbhastitakachapi_Mandasmita prabhapura majatkamesha manasa -

11__Anakalita sadrusya chubuka shree virajita_Kamesha bada mangalya sutra-shobhita kandhara -

12__Kanakangada keyura kamaniya bhujanvita_Ratnagrai-veya chintakalola mukta phalanvita -

13__Kameshvara prema-ratna mani prati-panastani_Nabhyalavala romali lata phala kuchadvaei -
14__Lakshya romalata bharata samunneya madhyama_Stana-bhara dalanmadhya patta-bandha-valitraya -

15__Arunaruna kaostunbha vastra bhasvatkatitati_Ratna kinkinikaramya rashanadama bhushita -

16__Kamesha-gynata saobhagya marda-voru dvayanvita_Manikya makuta kara janudvaya virajita -

17__Endra-gopa parikshipta smaratunabha janghika_Guda-gulpha kurma prushtajaeishnu prapadanvita -

18__Nakhadidhiti sanchanna samajana tamoguna_Padadvaya prabhajala parakruta saroruha -

19__Shinjanamani mangira mandita shrepadanbuja_Marali mandagamana maha-lavanya shevadhih -

20__Sarvaruna navadyangi sarvabharana bhushita_Shiva-kameshvarankasdha shiva svadhinavallabha -

 21__Sumeru shrunga-madhyasdha shreemannagara naeika_Chintamani gruhantahsdha pancha bramga sanasdhita -

22__Mahapadmatavi sansdha kadanba vanavasinee_Sudha sagara madhyasdha kamakshi kamadaeinee -

23__Devarshigana sanghata stuyamanatma-vaibhava_Bhandasura vadhodyukta-shakti-sena samanvita -

24__Sanpatkari samaruda sindhura vrajasevita_Asvarudadhishtitasva koti bhiravruta -

25__Chakra-raja radharudha sarva-yudha parishkruta_Geya-chakra radha-ruda mantrini parisevita -

26__Kiri-chakra radha-rudha dandanadha puraskruta_Jvalamalinikakshipta mahni prakara madhyaga -

27__Bhandasainya vadhodyukta shakti vikrama harshita_Nitya parakra matopa nireekshana samutsaka -

28__Bhanda-putra vadhodyukta balavikrama nandita_Mantrinyanba virachita vishangavadhatoshita -

29__Vishukra pranaharana varahi viryanandita_Kameshvara mukhaloka kalpita shreganeshvara -

 30__Maha-ganesha nirbhinna vighnayantra praharshita_Bhanda-surendra nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini -

31__Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashakrutih_Mahapashupatastragni nirdagdha surasainika -

32__Kameshvarastra nirdagda sabhandasura shunyaka_Bramhependra mahendradi devasansdhutavaibhava -

33__Haranetragni sandagdakama sanjivanaoshadhih_Shreemadvagbhavakutaika svarupa mukhapankaja -

34__Kantadhah-kati paryanta madhyakuta svarupinee_Shakti-kutaikatapanna katyadhobhaga dharinee -

35__Mulamantratmika mulakutatraya kalebara_Kulamrutaikarasika kulasanketapaline -

36__Kulangana lulantasdha kaolinee kulayogini_Akula samayantasdha samayachara tatpara -

 37__Muladharaika nilaya bramhagrandhi vibhedini_Manipurantarudita vishnugrandhi vibhedine -

38__Aagyna-chakrantaralasdha rudra-grandhi vibhedini_Sahasraranbujaruda sudhasarabhivarshinee -

39__Tatillata samaruchi shatchakropari sansdhita_Mahashakti-kundalini bisatantu taniyasi -

40__Bhavani bhavanagamya bhavaranya kutarika_Bhadrapriya bhadra-murti rbhakta-saobhagyadaeini -

 41__Bhakta-praya bhakta-gamya bhakti-vashya bhaya-paha_Shanbhavi sharadaradhya sharvani sharmadaeini -

42__Shankari shrikari sadhvi sarachandra nibhanana_Shatodari shantimati niradhara niranjana -

43__Nirpepa nirmala nitya nirakara nirakula_Nirguna nishkala shanta nishkama nirupaplava -

 44__Nityamukta nirvikara nisprapancha nirashraya_Nitya-shudha nitya-budha niravadya nirantara -

45__Nishkarana nishkalanka nirupadhirnirishvara_Niraga ragamadhani nirmada madanashini -

46__Nishchinta nirahankara nirmoha mohanashinee_Nirmama mamatahantri nishpapa papanashini -

47__Nishkrodha krodhashamani nirlobha lobhanashini_Nisandhaya sanshayaghni nirbhava bhavanashini -

 48__Nirvikalpanirabadha nirbheda bhedanashini_Nirnasha mrutyumadhani nishkriya nishparigraha -

49__Nistula nilachikura nirapaya niratyaya_Durlabha durgama durga dukha-hantri sukhaprada -

50__Dushta-dura duracharashamani doshavarjita_Sarvagyna sandrakaruna samanadhika varjita -

51__Sarva-shaktimaei sarvamangala sadgatiprada_Sarveshvari sarvamaei sarvamantrasvarupini -

52__Sarva-yantratmika sarvatantrarupa manonmani_Mahishvari mahadivi mahalakshmi rmrudapriya -

53__Maharupa mahapujya mahapataka nashini_Mahamaya magasatva mahashaktirmaharatih -

54__Mahabhoga mahaishvarya mahavirya mahabala_Maha-bhudirmahasirdhirmahayogeshvareshvari -

55__Mahatantra mahamantra mahayantra mahasana_Mahayaga kramaradya mahabhairava pujita -

56__Maheshvara mahakalpa mahatandava sakshini_Mahakamesha mahishi mahatripurasundari -

57__Chatushashtyupacharadya chatushashti kalamaei_Mahachatushashtikoti yogini ganasevita -

58__Manuvidya chandra vidya chandramandala madhyaga_Charu rupacharuhasa charuchandra kaladhara -

59__Charachara jagannadha chakraraja niketana_Parvati padmanayana padmarga samaprabha -

60__Panchapretasanasina panchabramha svarupini_Chinmaei paramananda vigynanaghanarupini -

61__Dhyanadhyatru dhyeyarupa dharmadharma vivarjita_Vishvarupa jagarini svapanti taijasatmika -

62__Supta pragynatmika turya sarvavasdhavivarjita_Prushtikartri bramharupa goptri govindarupini -

63__Sanharini rudrarupa tirodhanakarishvari_Sadashivanugrahada panchakrutya parayana -

64__Bhanumandala madhyasdha bhairavi bhagamalini_Padmasana bhagavati padmanabha sahedari -

65__Unmesha nimishotpanna vipanna bhuvanavalih_Sahasrashirshavadana sahasrakshi sahasrapat -

 66__Aabramhakitajanani varvashrama vidhaeini_Nijagyna rupanigama punyapunya phalaprada -

67__Shruti simanta sirurikruta padabja dhulika_Sakalagama sandoha shukti sanputa maoktika -

68__Purushardhaprada purna bhogini bhuvaneshvari_Anbika nadi nidhana paribramhendra sevita -

 69__Narayani nadarupa namarupa vivarjita_Hrinkari hrimati hrudya heyopadeyavarjita -

70__Rajarajarchita ragyni ramya rajivalochana_Ranjani ramani rasya ranarkinkini mekhala -

 71__Rama rakenduvadana ratirupa ratipriya_Rakshakari rakshasaghni rama ramanalanpata -

 72__Kamya kamakalarupa kadanba kusumapriya_Kalyani jagatikanda karunarasasagara -

73__Kalavati kalalapa kanta kadanbari priya_Varada vamanayana varunimadavihvala -

 74__Vishvadhika vidavidya vindhyachala nivasini_Vidhatri vidajanani vishnu maya vilasini -

75__Kshetra-svarupa kshetreshi kshetrakshetragynapalini_Kshaya-vrudhi vinirmukta kshetrapala smarchita

76__Vijaya vimala vandya mandaru janavatsala_Vagvadini vamakeshi vahni mandala vasini -

77__Bhaktimatkalpalatika pashupasha vimochani_Sanhruta sheshapashanda sadachara pravartika -

 78__Tapatrayagni santapta samahladana chandrika_Tatuni tapasaradhya tanumadhya tamo-paha -

79__Chiti statpadalakshyardha chidekarasa rupini_Svatyanandalavibhuta bramhadyananda santatih -

80__Parapratyakchitirupa pashyanti paradevata_Madhyama vaikharirupa bhaktamanasa hansika -

 81__Kameshari prananadi krutagyna kamapujita_Shrungararasa sanpurna jaya jalandharasdhita -

82__Odyana pita nilaya nindu mandala vasini_Rahoyaga kramaradhya rahastarpana tarpata -

83__Sadyah prasadini vishvasakshini sakshivarjita_Shadanga devata yukta shadgunya paripurita -

84__Nityaklinna nirupama nirvana sukhadaeini_Nitya shodashika rupa shree kantardha sharirini -

85__Prabhavati prabha rupa prasidha parameshari_Mulaprakruti ravyakta vyaktavyakta svarupini -
 86__Vyapini vividhakara vidya vidya svarupini_Mahakameshanayana kumudahlada kaomudi -

87__Bhaktahardhatamobheda bhanumadbanu santatih_Shivaduti shivaradhya shivamurtishivankari -

88__Shivapriya shivapara shishteshta shishta-pujita_Aprameya svaprakasha manovachamagochara -

89__Chichakti shchetanarupa jadashakti jadatmika_Gayatri vyahruti sandhya dvijabrunda nishemita -

 90__Tatvasana tatvamaei panchakoshantarah sdhita_Nisima mahima nitya-yaovana madashalini -

91__Madagharnita raktakshi madapatala gandabhuh_Chandana drava digdhangi chanpeya kusumapriya -

 92__Kushala komalakara kurukulla kuleshvari_Kulakundalaya kaolamarga tatpara sevita -

93__Sumara gananadhanba tushtih pushtirmati dhrutih_Shanti spastimati mantirnandini vignanashini -

94__Tejovati trinayana lolakshi kamarupini_Malini hansini mata malayachala vasini -

 95__Sumukhi nalini subhru shobhana suranaeika_Karikanti kantimati kshobhini sukshmarupini -

96__Vajreshvari vamadevi vayovasdha vivarjita_Sideshvari sidhavidya sidhamata yashasvini -

97__Vishudichakra nilaya raktavarna trilochana_Khatvangadi praharana vadanaika samanvita -

98__Payasanna priya tvaksdha pashuloka bhayankari_Amrutadi mahashakti sanvruta dakinishvari -

99__Anahatabjanilaya shyamabha vadanadvaya_Danshtrojvalakshamaladi dhara rudhira sansdhita -

100__Kalaratryadishaktyao-ghavruta snigdhao-dana priya_Mahavirendra varada rakinyanba svarupini -

101__Manipurabja nilaya vadanatraya sanyuta_Vajradikayudhopeta dayaryadibhiravruta -

102__Rakta-varna mansanishta gudanna pritamanasa_Samsta bhakta sukhada lakinyanba svarupini -

103__Svadhishtananbujagata chaturvaktra manohara_Shuladyayudha sanpanna pitavarna tigarvita -

104__Medhonishta maduprita bandinyadi samanvita_Dadyannasakta hrudaya kakini rupadharini -

105__Muladharanbujarudha panchavaktrasdhi sanpdhita_Ankushadi praharana varadadi nishevita -

106__Mudgaodanasaktachitta sakinyanba svarupini_Aagynachakrabja nilaya shuklavarna shadanana -

107__Majasansdha hansavati mukhyashakti samanvita_Haridranai karasika hakinirupa dharini -

108__Sahasradala padmasdha sarvavarnopashobhita_Sarvayudhadharashukla sansdhita sarvatomukhi -

109__Sarvaodana pritachitta yakinyanba svarupini_Svahasvadha mati rmedha shrutih smrutiranuttama -

110__Punyakirtih punyalabhya punyashravana kirtana_Pulomajarchita bandhamochani bandhuralaka -

111__Vimarsharupini vidya viyadadi jagatprasuh_Sarvavyadhi prashamani sarvamrutyu nivarini -

 112__Agraganya chintyarupa kalikalmashanashini_Katyayani kalahantri kamalaksha nishevita -

113__Tanbulapuritamukhi dadimikusumaprabha_Mrugashi mohini mudhya mrudani mitrarupini -

 114__Nityatrupta bhaktanidhi rniyantri nikhileshvari_Maityradi vasanalabhya mahapralayasakshini -
115__Parashaktih paranishta pragynana ghanarupini_Madhvipanalasa matta matrukavarna rupini -

116__Mahakailasa nilaya mrunala mrududorlata_Mahaniya dayamurti rmahasamrajyashalini -

 117__Aatmavidya mahavidya shreevidya kamasevita_Shree shodashaksharividya trikuta kamakotika

- 118__Katakshakinkaribhuta kamala kotisevita_Shirasdhita chandranibha phalasdhendra dhanuh prabha -

119__Hrudayasdha ravi prakhya trikonantara dipika_Dakshayani daityahantri dakshayagyna vinashini -

120__Darandolita dirghakshi darahasojvalanmukhi_Gurumurtirgunanidhi rgamata guhajanmabhuh -

121__Deveshi dandanitisdha daharakasha rupini_Pratipanmukhyarakanta tidhimandala pujita -

122__Kalatmika kalanadha kavyalapa vinodini_Sachamara ramavani savyadakshini sevita -

 123__Aadishakti rameyatma parama pavanakrutih_Anekakoti bramhanda janani divyavigraha -

124__Klinkari kevala guhyakaivalya padadaeini_Tripura trijagadvandya trimurti stridasheshvari -

125__Tryakshari divyagandhadya sindura tilakanchita_Uma shailendra tanaya gaori gandharava sevita

-126__Vidhvagarbha svarnagarbha varada vagadhishvari_Dhyanagamyaparichedya gynanada gynanavigraha -

127__Sarvavedanta sanvedya satyananda svarupini_Lopamudrarchita lilaklupta bramhanda mandala -

128__Adrushyadrushyarahita vigynatri vedyavarjita_Yogini yogada yogya yoganandayugandhara -
 129__Echashakti gynashakti kriyashakti svarupini_Sarvadhara supratishta sadasadrupadharini -

130__Ashtamurtirajajaitri lokayatra vidhaeini_Ekakini bhumarupa nirvaita dvaitavarjita -

 131__Annada vasudha vrudha bramhatmaikya svarupini_Bruhati bramhani bhramhi bramhananda

132__Bhasharupa bruhatsena bhavabhava vivarjita_Sukharadhya shubhakari shobhana sulabhagatih -

133__Rajarajishvari rajyadaeini rajyavallabha_Raja tkrupa rajapita niveshitanija shrita -

134__Rajyalakshmih koshanadha chaturanga baleshvari_Samrajyadaeini satyasandha sagaramekhala -

135__Dikshita daityashamani sarvaloka vashankari_Sarvardhadatri savitri sachidananda rupini -

136__Deshakala parichinna sarvaga sarvamohini_Sarsvati shastramaei guhanba guhyarupini -

137__Sarvopadhivinirmukta sadashiva pativrata_Sanpradayeshvari sadhvi gurumandala rupini -

138__Kulottirna bhagaradhya maya madhumatimahi_Gananba guhyakaradhya komalangi gurupriya -

139__Svatantra sarvatantreshi dakshanamurtirupini_Sanakadi samaradhya shivagynana pradaeini -

 140__Chitkala nandakalika premarupa prinankari_Namaparayana prita nandivida nateshvari -

141__Midhya jagadadhishtana muktida muktirupini_Lasyapriya layakari sajja ranbhadi vandita -

142__Bhavadava sudhavrusthih paparanya davanala_Daorbhagya tula vatula jaradhvanta raviprabha -

143__Bhagyabhi chandrika bhakta chittakeki ghanaghna_Rogaparvatadanbholi rmrutyudaru kutarika -

144__Mahishvari mahakali mahagrasa hamashani_Aparna chanidika chandamundasura nishudini -

145__Ksharakshatmika sarvalikeshi vishadharini_Trivargadatri subhaga tryanbaka trigunatmika -
146__Svargapavargada shudha japapushpa nibhakrutih_Ojovati dyutidhara yagynarupa priyavrata -

147__Duraradhya duradhatsha patali kusumapriya_Hamati merunilaya mandara kusumapriya -

 148__Viraradhya viradrupa viraja vishatomukhi_Pratyagrupa parakasha pranada pranarupini -

149__Martanda bairavaradhya mantrini nyastarajyadhuh_Tripureshi jayatsena nistraigunya parapara -
 150__Satyagynananandarupa samarsya parayana_Kapardini kalamala kamadhukamarupini -

151__Kalanidhih kavyakala rasagyna rasashevadhih_Pushtapuratana pujya pushkara pushkarekshana -

152__Paranjyotih parandhamah paramanuh paratpara_Pashahasta pashahantri paramantra vibhedini -

153__Murta murta nityatrupta munimanasa hansika_Satyavrata satyarupa sarvantaryamini sati -

154__Bramhani bramhajanani bahurupa budharchita_Prasavitri prachandagyna pratishta prakatakruti -
155__Praneshvari pranadatri panchashatpritarupini_Vishrunkhala viviktasdha viramata viyatprasuh -

156__Mukunda muktinilaya mulavigraharupini_Bhavagyna bhavarogaghni bhavachakra pravartini -

157__Chandasara shastrasara mantrasara talodari_Udarakirti rudhamavaibhava varnarupini -

158__Janmamrutyu jaratapta janavishranti daeini_Sarvopanishadudghushta shantyatita kalatmika -

159__Ganbhira gaganantahsdha garvita ganalolupa_Kalpanarahita kashtakanta kantardha vigraha -

160__Kartakarananirmukta kamakeli tarangita_Kanatkanakatatanka lilavigrahadharini -

161__Ajakshaya vinirmukta mugdha kshipraprasadini_Antarmukha samaradhya bahirmukha sudurlabha -

162__Traei trivarganilaya trisdha tripuramalini_Niramaya niralanba svatmarama sudhasrutih -

163__Sansara pankanirmagna samudharana sandita_Yagyna priya yagynakartri yajamana svarupini -

164__Dharmadhara dhanadhyaksha dhanadhanya vivard
hini_Viprapriya viprarupa vishvabhramanakarini -

165__Vishvagrasa vidrumabha vaishnavi vishnuruini_Ayoniryoninilaya kulasdha kularupini -

166__Viragoshtipriya vira naishkarmya nadarupini_Vigynanakalana kalyavidagdha vhaindavasana-

 167__Tatvadhika tatvamaei tatvamardha svarupini_Samagana priya saomya sadashiva kutunbini -

168__Savyapasavyamargasdha sarva padvi nivarini_Svasdha svabhavamadhura dhira dhirasamarchita -

169__Chaitanyardhya samaradhya chaitanya kusumapriya_Sadodita sadatushta tarunadityapatala -

170__Dakshina dakshinaradhya darasmera mukhanbuja_Kaolini kevala narghya kaivalyapadadaeini -

171__Stotrapriya stutimati shruti sanstuta vaibhava_Manasvini manavati maheshi mangalakrutih -

172__Vishvamata jagadhatri vishalakshi viragini_Pragalbha paramodara paramoda manomaei -

173__Vyomakeshi vimanasdha vajrini vamakeshvari_Panchayagyna priya panchapreta manchadhishaeini -

174__Panchami panchabhuteshi panchasankhyopacharini_Shashvati shashvataishvarya sarmada shanbhumohini -

175__Dharadharsuta dhanya dharmini dharmavardini_Lokatita gunatita sarvatita shamatmika -

176__Bandhuka kusuma prakhya balalila vinodini_Sumangali sukhakari suveshadya suvasini -

177__Suvasinyarchana prita shobhana shudhamanasa_Bindutarpana santushta purvaja tripuranbika -

178__Dashamudra samaradhya tripura shrivanshankari_Gynanamudra gynanagamya gynanagyneya svarupini -

 179__Yonimudra trikhandeshi trigunanba trikonaga_Anaghadbhuta charitra vanchitardha pradaeini -

180__Abhyasatishayagynata shadadhvatita rupini_Avyajakarunamurti ragynanadhvanta dipika -

181__Aabalagopavidita sarvanullanghyashasana_Shrichakrarajanilaya shrimatripurasundari -

 182__Shri shiva shivashaktyaikya rupini lalitanbika_Yvam shri lalita devya namnam sahasrakam jaguh -


All of the original watercolors on this web page are by

 Vanamali Ashram's Artist in Residence, Sri Sahadevan.



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